Margaritas and The Dark Knight

Last night was Date Night and we had so much fun, although I wasn't sure it was going to go so well...

During Emily's nap, while getting ready for Date Night, my blowdryer D-I-E-D! I tried resetting it and unplugging it to let it cool down, nothing worked. About an hour later, the lightbulb went off in my head to check the breaker and, sure enough, I have blown the breaker. One flip and my blowdryer and I were back in business!

Around 4:30pm, I fought the Friday Rush Hour (which always begins an hour earlier than the other days of the week!) just to drive 1 mile from my house to purchase our tickets for The Dark Knight early, as it has been selling out every night since it debuted last week. Argh! I was so frustrated and sweaty and my hair went flat... total bummer and a bad way to start out Date Night. :(

I finally got some much needed relief when Kelly showed up. She came early, to go through the entire afternoon playtime, dinner, bath time, bedtime routine with me (we plan on leaving for a whole day, to go to a concert next month and wanted her to feel comfortable), which was awesome because it gave me that extra pair of hands I needed to get everything cleaned up and myself ready.

At 7:30pm, we headed down to Park Street to park David's car in the Alameda Theater's parking garage (it feels up fast as it's free parking after 6pm!) because it's one block from La Pinata where we were having dinner. Of course, we had to drive all the way up the 5 floors and all the way back down TWICE before finding the spot of someone leaving. Grrr... only 2 hours left until the movie starts now so, that means no dilly-dallying through dinner.

Then, there was the blister. My new Coach flats, which are too freaking adorable and actually super comfy had not been properly broken in by moi thus, they gave me one of the worse peel-your-skin-off-nearly-bleeding blisters on the top of my pinky toe EVER and that was before we even made it to LP... we hadn't even walked one block! Ugh. I was in so much pain, I told David he had to walk over to Long's Drugs or I would be barefoot for the rest of the night and he obliged since our wait time at La Pinata was an hour (I'm about to cry at this point out of frustration). *sigh* No margaritas for us, we barely had time for dinner at this point!
David must have ran to Long's because he was back in 15 minutes and, the best part, before I could even get the band-aids on, La Pinata called our name, it was our turn and it had been less than 20 minutes! Wahoo! Margaritas here we come!

Me, so happy to NOT feel any pain at this point :)

The drinks flowed, the food came fast, we even had time for Cheesecake Chimichangas (heavenly!!!) and I was no longer feeling the pain in my toes. :)

We walked over to the theater (I hobbled) and marveled at how magnificently the City restored it and had the pick of the house as we were the first ones in for the 10:30pm showing. The movie was incredible, even the second time around (I saw it on Sunday with my friends) and we both left feeling happy & relaxed, although exhausted because it was 1:15AM!

What a great Date Night!