Christmas 2008 - Time to come back home
Our visit was amazing and we were truly sorrowful to have to go home today but of course we were glad to get back to our normal routine. :)
We were lucky that some earlier flights opened up on this day when I was making our reservations a few months ago because, as I've said before, we wanted to fly BEFORE or AFTER naptime, not during because Emily sleeps only laying down, in her bed! So, we got on a 8:00AM flight and it was just as pleasurable and stress-free on the way home as it was on the way here: Emily again was enamored with the airport, not saying even a peep from the moment Gran dropped us off at Curb-side check in until we got on the plane! She was also content to play with her Play-Doh and watch a few DVDs during the first 3 hours of our flight. We had to change plans in San Diego, which was actually nice because it gave us all a chance to stretch our legs and use a normal bathroom and we let Emily run around the entire airport while we had lunch. The hour and 10 minutes from San Diego to Oakland was OK except for the Orange Juice incident: apparently, the OJ I put in Emily's sippy cup built up a lot of pressure while on the plane and it literally exploded, shooting out of the straw 5 feet in front of our seat, soaking several other passengers. David was laughing (no surprise there!) but I was humiliated, passing out wipes and apologies to everyone in the OJ path. argh! I had no idea that could even happen! Ugh!
Anyway, I actually began to feel horribly ill this last leg of the flight with a headache, congestion and sore throat so, David had to do all the work to get us off the plane and get our luggage.
I called Park 'n Travel to come pick Emily and I up so I could get the car quicker and come back to get David; he stayed behind to wait for all our bags. Much to my dismay, my car battery was DEAD when park 'n Travel brought me back to their lot and we're guessing it's just because my car is 5 years old and that was the original battery. Still, I wasn't feeling well and just wanted to get home so, I was devestated. Thank goodness Park 'n Travel had a portable battery charged and had my car running in about 15 minutes. I grabbed David and we got home safely and I spent the next four days of our "vacation" sick as a dog at home, laid up on the couch and in my bed. David and our wonderful neighbor, Les, installed a new battery in my car and fixed David's flat tire (yes, we got home to a flat tire, bummer!!!) and all was right with our world again by Sunday!
Poor David, instead of enjoying these 5 days of his vacation, he was on baby-duty and taking care of me... I'm betting he was pretty excited to return to work on Tuesday the 6th LOL! :)
It's nice to be back home but we sure do miss Gran and Aunt Jenny!!!
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