Open Q&A, ask me anything!

Hello readers,

I have been asked to add a Q&A section to the "Meet Amanda" section of my blog but only have one question so far so, what would YOU like to know about me?

Reply in a comment to this post or email me and you will see your question and an answer today!


  1. How old were you when you got married and when you had Emily?

  2. What are your favorite kitchen gadgets?

  3. How long have you been a SAHM and will you return to work in the future?

  4. How did you get from Texas to California? How did you meet your husband? Any more children planned in the future?

    I have a Q&A post on my blog too, leave me a question:

  5. Do you plan to stay in California or would you like to move back to Texas one day?

  6. Trying to think of a good one - had to play along :) How about: what is your guilty pleasure?

  7. What are the things that you love about having kids?


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