Appointment: 31 weeks 2 days

I have appointments every two weeks now, I can't believe it's already that time!

Although I've only gained 1lb since my last appointment two weeks ago, for a total weight gain of only 5lbs, I'm measuring at a perfect 30 centimeters, his heartbeat is strong & steady, and he's moving just as he should.

My blood pressure was the lowest it's been this entire pregnancy: 109/70.  My Ob/Gyn was impressed and happy to hear how I have been resting, putting my feet up when I can, drinking lots of water, exercising 3-4x per week, and doing yoga to quiet my mind as I prepare for the baby. 

David & I are looking into the "refresher" labor & delivery classes offered at our hospital and hope to get signed up for a hospital tour this next month.  My labor & delivery with Emily felt so hectic and frightening for so many reasons but I clearly remember feeling lost and panicked when we showed up at the hospital and had no clue where to park, where to go, nor what the hospital's policies on visitors and over-night guests were.  It will be nice to have a clear picture this time around.  :)


  1. I *cannot* believe you are 31 weeks! I am so happy for you and your family. You sound so healthy too, its so inspiring!


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