Losing the #wheatbelly - Day 33: Day 2: Level 1 of The 30-day Shred Challenge #30dayshred #letsdothis

Are you interested in following me in my journey to lead a more healthy, gluten-free lifestyle?

Read about my journey HERE or simply click on my newest page above: Losing the Wheat Belly!

And click on the link --------> over there to follow my SparkPeople blog where I'm documenting every bite of food I put in my mouth and how each day has gone. I will post updates here as well as new recipes, my weight-loss results, and any {I mean ALL} challenges I face along the way but for the daily nitty-gritty, you'll want to read my SparkPeople blog. I don't want to complete take over Not Your Mama's Martha! with this one part of my life.

My current challenge is to do The 30-Day Shred DVD by Jillian Michael's every single day for 30 days; however, it's taken me over two weeks to find the time in my schedule to workout every day. And to loose all the excuses.

I set this goal over two weeks ago in THIS post.

Yesterday was Day 2:

Oh gosh, I take it all back: Day 2 IS THE HARDEST DAY!!!

Let me tell you how "the day after" The 30-Day Shred went for me today:

I was so sore, I could barely sleep. Every time I rolled over hell, every time I moved a muscle, I winced in pain.

I was exhausted all day, it was all I could do just to stay off the couch!

I had a really hard time squatting down to put the baby's shoes on, pick up toys, and pee!

It took everything I had to feed and bathe the kids as my body SCREAMED for a soak in a hot bath.

And then, once the kids were in bed at 7:30pm, I begrudgingly laced up my kicks, pulled my hair back, filled my water bottle, and pushed "play" on my Blue Ray player to endure yet another day on Level 1 of The 30-Day Shred.

I have a horrid rug burn on my knees from the pushups. Note to self: lay down a towel over our wool rug.

Tears fell from my eyes with each push up. I wish I were kidding.

It actually hurt to breath that hard in order to keep up!


I actually made it 100% of the way through the push-ups but could only muster the quad strength to get about 50% of the way through the squat-and-press. I did ALL the cardio though it burned and the butt kicks really hurt my quads. During the punches I was punching AT Jillian. Seriously!

And I must confess the worst part of all: getting down on the ground to do the ab work and then, getting back up. There's no way to do it without pain in my chest, arms and legs. And forget grace. Thank goodness no one could see me.

Once done, I did get that amazing soak in the tub and then, a freezing cold shower to cool down.

To end my day, I had a chicken burrito bowl from Chipotle, courtesy of my amazing husband, with The Real Housewives of New York in the background. :)
