It's been a rare, very hot last three days here so we've been having dinner on the beach! #motherhood #kids #sfheatwave

The last four days have been record-breaking 88-91 degree days here in the San Francisco Bay area, which are extremely rare but they do happen a few times each year, and our only reprieve is to get down by the ocean and it's cool breeze and just wait for the sun to go down. Days like these are actually the only days we don't have to wear sweaters when walking near the beach so the kids actually wish for real, summer heat!

So, that's exactly what we have been doing the last couple of days!
After we pick up Emily from school, we slather ourselves in sun screen, pack the car with sand toys and towels, and race down to the shore (it's just a few blocks away!).
Emily dives right into the waves, splashing and thrashing, soaking herself happily. Because of the fill project in the 1950's to build up the land and increase building capacity for Alameda Island, you can actually wade out about 100 yards and it's only knee deep! It's incredibly safe for children, which helps us me relax when my kids wander out a bit.

Nolan and I stick to that perfect little spot where the waves lap the shore, digging moats and making sandcastles. He's happy to wear his sun hat as the alternative is to not go to the beach. :) His only complaint is when he needs to wipe tears (the wind is strong!) or sand off his face and his hands are covered in sand; he can't stand his hands to be "dirty" when he needs them clean. I calmly remind him to go rinse his hands off in the ocean and he does and all is right with the world again. Nolan loves to run in and out of the waves, too though he doesn't go out as deep and would never allow the waves to submerge him like Emily would. And that's okay!

I feel so very lucky to live where we do and am so thankful to be raising children out here where we can enjoy being outside, near the ocean, nearly 365 days a year and we can't wait to go back to the beach again today!


  1. Sounds amazing! Wow, it's so nice that you're that close to the beach. I would love to have more sunny days here.

  2. How very lovely, Amanda. I am so jealous, only a short car ride to the beach? I thought our less than an hour drive was short! Enjoy the warm weather.


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