
Showing posts from June, 2013

Hi! Can you see me? I see you and you are really small. #wordlesswednesday

Are all #toddlers obsessed with Thomas the Train? #tuesdaytoddlertales

6/22 thru 6/28 #mealplanning When planning to buy ingredients for one meal, see how you can use them all up in another meal to complete your weekly meal plan and reduce waste! #motherhood #cooking #kids

A two year old at the beach #wordlesswednesday #toddlers #motherhood #kids

6/15 thru 6/21 #mealplanning Busting the weekly #budget to take advantage of sales and stock the freezer! #motherhood #toddlers #kids #cooking

Which bucket is the ball under? #wordlesswednesday #firstgrade

Splashing or water-tasting? #tuesdaytoddlertales #toddler #motherhood

6/8 thru 6/14 #mealplanning for less than $100. That includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner for 4 y'all! #motherhood #cooking #kids #toddlers

Nolan: Two years old

Gangnam-style #wordlesswednesday #firstgrade #kids

6/1 thru 6/7 #mealplanning as we move into summer #motherhood #kids #cooking