
Showing posts from October, 2013

10/26 thru 11/1 #mealplanning over #halloween while our family is in town. Can I do it for under $150? #cooking #motherhood

Nolan wants to eat his corndog like a big boy: ON the stick, not cut up! #toddlers #wordlesswednesday

"I ride bike" #tuesdaytoddlertales #toddler #bike #kids

10/19 thru 10/25 #mealplanning - stocking the freezer with made-ahead meals: my three favorite recipes inside! #cooking #motherhood

Nolan, 28mos sings the ABCs and knows his shapes #tuesdaytoddlertales #toddler

10/5 thru 10/11 #mealplanning when you have PTA training and a 2yr old hanging from your leg! #cooking #motherhood #kids

The new Easy-Bake-Oven {with help from Aunt Jenny!} produces some amazing cake pops! #wordlesswednesday #Emily

Shootin' hoops #tuesdaytoddlertales