My girlfriend, Shelby, sent me the most fabulous book-sharing website I have seen to date: Good Reads! You sign up for your free account and begin searching for books; books you've already read, books you are currently reading, books you want to read. You rate each book you've read, recommend them to your "friends" (sign in with your yahoo or gmail account and it will download your contacts for you, showing you who is already a goodreads member then, send out your invites to those that are not!)... it couldn't be simpler! :)

I have been a bit obsessed the last two days, trying to get all the books I have read over the past couple of years since I've been out of school uploaded, rated and recommended. I know I am missing a few but I purged my bookshelves a while back and just cannot remember what I had. Argh! I also went thought all my "friends" book lists and added books to my "to read" list... wow, is that think long! I hope to borrow a few of these and/or check them out from the library as it could be quite costly to purchase them all.

Here's my own Goodreads Profile for your reading pleasure:

Happy Reading!
