Gymboree Class

My friends and I took a free class at Gymboree (the Lake Merritt location in Oakland) this morning because of THIS free coupon online and absolutely loved it! The kids did amazingly well during the structured, employee-led activities, no one pushed anyone off the climbing structures (ha!), everyone helped clean up and even clapped along to the songs. Emily really loved putting all the balls back in the red bucket and climbing up the slide (the incorrect way!) to throw a ball into the basketball hoop.

The class was 45 minutes long and is held every day of the week, Monday thru Saturday, which means daddy could join in one day a week! ;)

At first glance, Gymboree classes are really spendy (expensive) because it's $69 every month for one day a week (you can come any of the 6 days class is held) BUT, for $89 every month, you can come to all six classes AND you get to attend the open play (free roam around time, not a structured class) on Thursday afternoons for an hour! What a deal!

We are definitely signing up next month and I'm just not sure Emily can wait! hahaha :)
