Thursday Thirteen
My mom, Emily's only Gran, is in town visiting us all week long (yipee!!!) so, this week's Thursday Thirteen is dedicated to all the things we've done this week.
1. Bought all the supplies for and made some new hair bows for Emily and a few of Emily's friends
2. Took Emily to Toddler Story Time at The Berkeley Library on Tuesday morning
3. Shopped for some cotton capri's at Target
4. Ate lunch at our favorite Mexican Food Restaurant, La Pinata 3, here in Alameda
5. Strolled around Broadway Plaza in Walnut Creek, trying on shoes at Nordstrom
6. Watched The Biggest Loser Finale
7. Took Emily to Tumbling Class on Wednesday morning
8. Talked about the Jodi Picoult book we're both reading
9. Had a blast at Emily's Music Together Class on Thursday morning
10. Picked flowers at the park with Emily and chased Emily, who was chasing a bird
11. Shared a chicken sandwich at Chili's while entertaining Emily with the sugar container
12. Lost (and found) my recently purchased flip flops at Macy's, in a dressing room
13. Baby-proofed the cabinet in Emily's dresser from her curious little hands
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