Tuesday Toddler Tales
This week's Toddler Tales is all about the word; "no" and how frustrating it is to hear it all day long from your 2-year old. argh!
Me: "Emily, let's go read a book, do you want Little Rabbit Waits for the Moon or Stinky Face"?
Emily: "No"!
Me: "Emily, it's time for lunch, do you want Chicken or Grilled Cheese"?
Emily: "No"!
Me: "Emily, we don't jump on the couch. Please, sit on your hiney".
Emily: "No"!
Me: "Emily, great job at using your markers, but please, don't write on the wall".
Emily: "No"!
It seems "No" is her favorite word, her response, not just answer, to every question and directive I give these days and that makes for a very frustrating day for mommy. It also makes giving choices seem futile. :( I guess, like everything, this is just a phase that will pass (eventually, right?) and I'll have to just pull out my reserve stash of patience to get through this trying time.
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