25 in 2009 - Book 1

Books, that is... I'm participating in a book club challenge to read 25 books in 2009 and I thought I'd post here so that 1) I can keep up with how many books I've read and 2) possibly inspire others to read a few books themselves! I think I'll also write up my own review of these books to share with all of you, should you be looking for a recommendation (or a heads up of what not to waste your time on!) and I'd love for you to share your favorite reads with me!

Hook up with me on Goodreads.com (search; "Mrs.Shavers") or just shoot me an email!

25 in 2009:
1) Stolen Innocence by Elissa Walls
I've never been one for Biographies, no real reason why other than there is a lot of light-hearted, juicy, gossipy, romantic, tragic "chick lit" available and that is right up my alley! ha ;) In all honesty, true stories always bored me in the past until I actually saw the video footage of the FLDS compound in Texas being raided and I suddenly became extremely interested in all that was a Polygamous Sect and the FLDS and truly became entranced when these girls (women) began showing up on Oprah to tell their horrific stories. The moment Elissa Wall's book hit the shelves I scooped it up and finally got around to reading it this month, my first of 25 books in 2009. Her story is heartbreaking, especially because it's true and these sects really do exist around the world and yet, heroic, it was a great book to start the year off with. Her writing is a bit juvenile and it tends to be a bit boring, dragging on and on and on, I felt the details were a bit too much at times and I actually set the book down for a day or two because I just didn't care what the outcome was anymore because I felt she was never going to get to the point of it all. *sigh* I stuck with it thought and I'm glad I did because justice was served and the ending is a happy one. I honestly wished there were more photographs in the book and I want to read a few of the other women's books from their perspective, being much older and deeper entrenched in the sect. If you are at all curious about the FLDS, I'd recommend reading this book.

2) The Secret Life of Bees (in progress)
I just picked it up tonight and can't wait to dive in so that I can have it finished before I see the film!
