Emily's Favorite Books... for all of you who have asked :)

We've been reading to Emily since she was in utero and always made Story Time an activity we did together during the day, not just at bedtime and I'd like to think that is part of the reason why she loves to read books so much and why she's such a smarty! ;)

Over the past 2 1/2 years, we've given Emily books for her birthday, Christmas and every other Holiday including Halloween, Easter and even Valentine's Day, instead of toys and have built up a huge collection! About 2/3s of all those books are what I call "big girl books with real pages" (hard back books with paper pages, NOT board books!) and she's not aloud to touch these just yet - we read them to her and keep them up on high shelves in her closet. The other 1/3 are board books that we keep in buckets where she can get to them. I know, it might seem a bit silly but books are really expensive and not only do they have a ton of words and she ends up bored after the first 5 pages but she has gotten paper cuts trying to turn the pages so, we decided to keep them from her.

Her current favorite books that are mostly Picture Books with very few words, most of which rhyme, include:

Click on each image below for a direct link to each book on Amazon.com

We read these books every single night and numerous times throughout the day, they are truly her favorites right now, she picks them out of 50 other board books in four buckets every day! :) I highly recommend these books to all parents of infants and toddlers, no matter how young and I hope your family enjoys them as much as we do.
