Thursday Thirteen

With all the babies being born around me and all the showers I've attended lately, I decided to dedicate this week's Thursday Thirteen to my very favorite products as a brand new mom... some I discovered a bit late in the game and would have loved to have from the beginning!

Thirteen New Mom Must-Haves:

1. Summer Day/Night Handheld Video Monitor
2. Tranquil Sounds Baby Sound Machine
3. Fisher Price Vibrating Infant Papasan Chair
4. Infant Safer Bather
5. Zolowear Ring Sling in silk
6. Avent Manual Breastpump and ISIS Freezer Storage Containers
7. Fleurville "Mothership" Diaper bag
8. Carter's Newborn T-Shirts
9. Bebe Au Lait Hooter Hider Nursing Cover
10. Lap pads
11. Skip Hop Triple Bottle/Lunch Bag
12. Bumbo Babysitter Chair
13. Diaper Genie
