Thursday Thirteen

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends, family and blog followers out there!!!

The Top 13 things I am most thankful for, in no particular order:

1. Being an American and all the rights and protection it affords me
2. Getting to experience motherhood
3. My generous, thoughtful, kind, gentle, hilarious husband
4. The loving, supportive relationship I have with my mother and my sister
5. Living the life I truly want, as a SAHM, for no other reason than because it truly fulfills me
6. My education and how it continues to serve me
7. My small circle of best friends who have been my "rock" and the "Village" I desperately needed in order to raise my child and be successful in my marriage
8. My large circle of friends & acquaintances who brighten my every day
9. Being financially FREE!
10. My Christian Faith, the foundation my parents insisted I have from a very young age that gives me an unending fountain of hope when I am at my best and when I have nothing left
11. Breast cancer research and the Professionals who care for me throughout the year to ensure I have the best chance at preventing a disease that nearly killed my mother
12. My husband's career and how it provides us with the life we had only ever dreamed about
13. Living in the San Francisco Bay Area, something we never ever considered, and never knew would give us the opportunities of a lifetime


  1. Amanda, your list is great! I remember when your mom was first diagnosed. I know that was tough on you and your sister. I'm so thrilled that she fought the good fight!

    Also, the next time you come "home", you need to get in touch with me and we'll have a few drinks...share stories about the girls and just plain catch up!

    I'm so glad that everything is going well in your life. I can relate to many things, and it's a GOOD feeling!

    Big hugs to you and yours!



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