Married (Happily) With Issues Article

A great friend of mine send me this article:

I had to read it three times over the course of two days because 1) I'm exhausted from all the cleaning, organizing & packing I am doing for our trip to Texas next week; 2) Emily hasn't napped in a few days and to avoid a nuclear meltdown from her exhaustion, I have to maintain at least a mediocre level of interest in her throughout the day and 3) The article is 10 pages long and poses a lot of very interesting questions that I found totally relateable to my own marriage.

The thing I walked away with that I found most interesting is the idea of a "good enough" marriage: that all aspects of my marriage just can't be perfectly satisfying 100% of the time, nor can every aspect be perfect at the same time.  Putting in as much as you can to emotionally, mentally & physically satisfy your spouse is the best any of us can hope to do and it's OK to slack in one (or all!) area from time to time as it's a nearly impossible task to maintain the balance of marital committment and personal anonymity, both being vital to my happiness.

Great, thought-provoking article!


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