Thursday Thirteen

Shop-a-holic, much?!?

Our recycling and trash bins are overflowing with carrier bags and cardboard boxes from all the things I've purchased lately, probably because being at home with a very active 3 1/2 year old hasn't left me much time for one of my favorite things: shopping!

Thirteen random things I've purchased recently:

1. A Hoover Windtunnel vacuum cleaner... I haven't owned one in years because I didn't think there was a need since having hardwood floors.  Boy, was I wrong!  Vacuum cleaners aren't just for carpet, they work wonders on wood blinds, baseboards, window sills, couches, rugs, light fixtures, silk flowers and curtains!

2. New throw pillows for my couch from Target as the old ones were coming up on 4 years and were falling apart at the seams, literally.  I found the cat pulling out some of the stuffing!

3. Two new Body by Victoria wireless bras (I'm too embarrassed to tell you how old my old bras were, sad).  Yes, just two!  Those suckers are $40 each!

4. A rake... I have no clue how we've survived all these years without one!

5. Short-sleeve t-shirts and capris for Emily for Spring/Summer/Fall from Old Navy.  Not one item in my cart was more than $6.

6. An evening gown for the Toy Story 3 Wrap Party,

7. Two pairs of Hip Slung Khakis from The Gap, wow, where have I been all these years?  These are the best pants I have ever owned!

8. Fresh ginger root!  Did you know that if sealed in a Ziploc bag it will keep in the freezer for damn near forever?!?!?

9. "The 5 Love Languages" and "The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands" books.

10. A fantastic gift for my sister's birthday (yeah, right... she reads this blog!).

11. False eyelashes for the party mentioned in #6.

12.  A new umbrella because the wind around here whipped mine inside out and snapped it nearly in half!

13. Dough-cutters and stampers for Emily to do more art projects here at home.
