Tuesday Toddler Tales

Dealing with a 3-year old is much like riding a roller coaster too soon after you've had lunch:

Facing each day is much like when you are standing on the platform, watching the coaster pull in knowing you're up, your gut is rumbling and you feel self-doubt creeping in on you but you are convinced you can do this so, you climb aboard full of hope and optimism;

You gain a bit of confidence on the slow climb up each time your toddler masters a skill, like potty training, getting them dressed without a fight breaking out, and when you manage to drop them off at Preschool without ripping them from your leg and both of you in tears;

Then, just as you feel you have it all under control and can begin to enjoy the ride as you feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face, your toddler goes through a new phase and begins to act out for no apparent reason and all your old tricks to calm them down, regain control over your household, and get your child back in line are no longer effective.  You realize you are teetering at the very top of your own sanity, about to lose it when you feel yourself go flying down the other side and all you can do it just hold on tight, keep breathing, and keep reminding yourself that it will all be over soon;

As you come out of that last loopty-loop, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, this wild ride is finally coming to and end, and for a brief second you are nostalgic, sad even that the journey is ending, convinced that it really wasn't that bad at all and you eagerly race around the corner to get back in line and do it all over again. 


  1. Hi, I'm Elena and I started to read your blog from the beginning. I found your blog about 2 years ago, when I was pregnant (I can't even remember what topic brought me here). I can say that this post touched my heart. My 18 months old boy i going trough weird phases, with tantrums and crying and so on. So, there is hope for my sanity because now I fell like crying with him.

    I like how you write about your live, family, recipes and everything. Your blog is like a novel, a nice novel and it is a pleasant to read it.

    1. Hi Elana,

      Thank you so much for the supportive and complementary feedback. It's so nice to hear none of us are on this journey alone. :)


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