11 weeks: My "gummy whale" bump
Emily has named this baby "gummy whale" so, here's my gummy whale bump making it's debut:
11 weeks 1 day
The bloating has completely subsided and all that's left is this little bump. :)
I'm feeling so great, really energized, and am going to start going back to The Harbor Bay Club to workout with friends this week. I really miss the spin class I was taking on Fridays and the Pilates class I was taking on Sundays. I would also like to try and squeeze in a 3 mile walk a few days each week and some swimming, should the pool be warm enough.
I'm due to have my blood drawn and have the first trimester screening ultrasound this week and next, which will simply give us a "positive" or "negative" risk assessment for birth defects, like Downs Syndrome. We didn't do any testing with Emily as I've mentioned before and there's no pressure from my Ob to do it this time, it's just scheduled for 11-13 weeks so, it's on my mind.
Cute little bump! I want one too :D