Bump Watch 2011

It was 82 degrees here on Thursday & Friday so, I took Emily to The Harbor Bay Club where we are members to swim for the afternoon.

To say we had a blast is the understatement of the year!!! 

Joining this club last year was the best money we ever spent: the pool is heated year-round and there's always a plethora of children to play with; they have free Wi-Fi that works at the pool, a fantastic Bar & Grill to get great food; a huge sandbox in case your child isn't in the mood to swim; and tons of chairs in the shade and in the sun for relaxing.  Do I sound like a walking commercial?!?  haha  It's such a great place, especially on unexpected hot days.

Emily grabbed my phone and was taking random photos and managed to capture me in my swimsuit and I just had to share it for all of you who keep complaining about my headless Bump Diaries posts.  Yes, this is for you, Shelby, Alecia, Sherry, Jenny and Maurisa! 

Crazy thing: that is the swimsuit I bought two years ago, when David & I went to Las Vegas for our first solo trip and it fits better now that I'm nearly eight months pregnant.  I'm telling y'all, I'm so much healthier and fit when pregnant.  I have got to find a way to carry that into the post-pardem!  :)


  1. Your pool club sounds perfect. Wish we had something like that near us. I was going to ask if your bathing suit was maternity, but it sounds like it isn't. You look fantastic- so slim, with just a baby bump!

  2. You look amazing!! Seriously, pregnancy agrees with you. :)

  3. You look amazing! What a fun place to hang out. :)

  4. Ahhh-mazing! Love that bathing suit!! Live it up Momma, you look great!

    I saw your comment on my blog about "The Hunger Games," I've started that series too! Only about 4 chapters in... not sure how I'm digging it yet... are you liking it?

  5. Andrea - It actually took me a while to read The Hunger Games because the plot sounded incredibly disturbing and vile but once I started reading, I couldn't put it down as the writing completely drew me in. I felt such an emotional pull towards the children, I just had to find out what was happening next! I haven't finished it yet, been too busy preparing for this baby. :)


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