We've moved Nolan from the living room to our bedroom and his umbilical cord stump fell off!

It's been so comfortable being in our living room at night.

Up most of the night to breastfeed, burp, and rock Nolan back to sleep has been more enjoyable (more bearable when I'm exhausted!) because I have our huge comfy sectional couch as well as my glider and ottoman to sit on, the television and a huge selection of trashy reality shows on the DVR, our laptop, our pack 'n play plus changing station, and the bathroom and kitchen at my finger tips. Nolan sleeps in his vibrating papasan chair, his swing, or his bassinet and I am off to sleep on the couch soon after he dozes off.

However, after two weeks of living in our living room, I miss my bed and our window unit air conditioner (it's been warm at night here this past week) so, I decided yesterday was as good a day as any to move Nolan upstairs for the night.

We moved the bassinet upstairs as he's already happy sleeping there at night and it fits perfectly next to the bed. We also put a changing pad on our dresser and stocked the diaper changing box (diapers and wipes, diaper rash cream, extra pad covers, several changes of clothes, burp clothes, lanolin cream and breastpads, and my cell phone charger) I previously set up on the dresser for a diaper changing station to have at night without having to come downstairs.

I don't have anywhere to sit to nurse Nolan at the moment but I'm on the hunt for a chair and foot stool as I type this because nursing sitting up in bed last night killed my back! Nursing while laying down didn't work all that well either, probably because we have such a plush mattress. I am going to keep trying though!

In other news, Nolan's umbilical cord stump fell off today, which means he can have a real bath! Emily was so excited to point out that his belly button now looked exactly like hers!

He wasn't all that happy to have a feeding delayed so we could photograph his belly


  1. I never liked nursing in bed either. It was much easier to be upright in a supportive chair. Will you update if you find a good one? One thing I really want for baby number two is a chair that's wide enough to easily accommodate a nursing pillow.

    Sounds like your nights are going as smoothly as they can :). Hope you're not too exhausted. It's so hard!

  2. Sarah - I will email you/update here for sure **IF** I find something worthy of mentioning. So funny you mention the nursing pillow b/c I took measurements of how wide I am while wearing it so I can be sure I get a chair that will fit us both, ha! :)

  3. I moved my nursing chair from Jakes room into our room the 2nd day we brought him home, I just have a basic nursing glider and ottoman. Sitting up in bed to nurse is almost impossible! I have mastered the side lying nursing though and do that for the early morning session, I really recommend continuing to work on it until it's comfortable...it's so relaxing to lay there!


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