Toys, a milestone

Did you have toys ready for your baby before his/her arrival, like having a crib or bassinet and diapers ready?

Or was there that day, the day you realized your flailing, sleepy newborn could focus, was reaching for things of interest to him/her, and was grasping at his own hands or your clothes?

I am the latter.

I actually completely forgot about toys for babies. I guess I was distracted by just trying to survive each day with two kids! ;)

Anyhow, while stocking up on diapers, wipes and burp cloths, Emily grabbed one of those toy bars you can fasten to the car seat bar and just insisted Nolan have it so, we bought Nolan his first toy (first toy from us). He seems much more interested in sucking his thumb here:

But I assure you he likes it. He looks up at it and smiles when Emily makes the toys spin, rattle, and play music.

Thankfully, my mom isn't as clueless as I and had sent some toys a while back that Nolan has really taken an interest in lately while laying on his play mat. And now, I am more aware and find myself checking out the toys for 3months+ any time I am out.


  1. Lol, I kept quite a few baby toys from when Avery was little, but I find anything is a toy to Jake. He does love to grab everything though! Of course, once he gets it, it's straight into the mouth! Hehe


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