
Showing posts from November, 2013

The day after #thanksgiving : it's THE day to get our #Christmas tree

Day3 Part 2 - 2013 #Thanksgiving preparations: my favorite three days of the year! #motherhood #cooking #mealplanning

Day3 - 2013 #Thanksgiving preparations: my favorite three days of the year! #motherhood #cooking #mealplanning

What I'm #thankful for this year - my "girls" #wordlesswednesday #BFF

Day2 - 2013 #Thanksgiving preparations: my favorite three days of the year! #motherhood #cooking #mealplanning

2013 #Thanksgiving preparations: my favorite three days of the year! #motherhood #cooking #mealplanning

11/23 thru 11/29 #mealplanning to prepare for Thanksgiving completely blows the budget! #motherhood #parenting #cooking

2013: A 7yr old and a 2.5yr old #SAHM #motherhood #whatdoyoudoallday #kids

My girl. She's always happy and brings so much joy to my life! #wordlesswednesday #parenthood #motherhood #secondgrade

11/16 thru 11/22 #mealplanning : Can a family of four eat 3 meals/day for under $100? Yep! #cooking #motherhood

Recipe: Fresh herb spread for your favorite sandwich #recipe #cooking #mealplanning

11/9 thru 11/15 #mealplanning to empty the freezer in order to make room for #thanksgiving #cooking #motherhood

Emily: 7 years old