What I'm #thankful for this year - my "girls" #wordlesswednesday #BFF
These are the three most important people to me just outside of God and my immediate family.
The three people who've never let me down: they have never forgotten my birthday, never not called or sent gifts when I've had a baby, and never left a year go by when we don't see each other. They drop everything and fly out to see me when I need them and send cards for no reason at all.
The three people who've been there for every minor life event, not just the major ones.
The three people I can be myself with; confide in; feel comfortable with even at my worst because they never judge me nor resent me. They would never call me a martyr or try and compare their failures to mine to judge whether I'm worthy of sympathy.
The three people I can brag to about how a meal turned out, about the gorgeous flowers my husband had delivered, and how much weight I lost recently because they are just as eager to build me up and congratulate me.
The three people I love and couldn't live without. My three best friends.
I'm so thankful for you!
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