Nolan: 2yrs 9mos and really talking now! #tuesdaytoddlertales #kids #toddlers #motherhood #parenting

Nolan is growing and developing so fast, it's hard to keep up, which is why I do these Tuesday Toddler Tales memes almost every week - I want these memories documented before I forget everything!

Random things Nolan says every single day, clearly and accurately include but are not limited to {my brain is shot!} the following:

Oh no, my helmet/hat fell off!

I go to school, too!

No basket/stroller, I hold your hand

I sit, I eat

Please and Thank you

What was that?

Did you hear that?

I heard the trashman!

I hear an ambulance/firetruck

I make a call, I call Gee-ma

A banana/apple/pear/snack/bar/cheesestick, please!

Yeah, I think so!

No, no thanks

Where is Da-da/mommy/Bap (he calls Emily bap)? Bap, where are you?!?

Hmmm... let's see!

I read, I read this book. Read this again.

More, please

I give you a hug

Oooohhhh, man!!! (like you would say "oh, crap")

I fall asleep. I go to bed. - he regularly will ask to go take a nap or go to bed earlier than schedule

I go home - this is a brand new one for us. When out places, I think he gets bored or overwhelmed and tired and tells me he wants to go home. He will grab my hand and pull me to the door or find our Bob jogging stroller and go sit in it, signaling me it's time to walk home. Beyond adorable and reminds me of the stories my parents still tell us about Aunt Jenny behaving the exact same way. :)

Cut my piggies - he loves having his toenails trimmed especially if I trim Bap's first

I watch a show - his way of asking to watch television. He will name "Cat in the Hat", "Thomas", "Micky Mouse", "Wild Kratts" as well and knows if you don't turn it to the correct show.

Vroom vroom! He loves to make the noises of his favorite toy cars

He gasps and says "I saw a ____" and lately it's been a butterfly, helicopter, airplane, motorcycle, bumble bee, police man, trashman, and race car.

My butt hurts - my poor baby, his eczema and diaper rash is out of control and he regularly tells us when he has pain from urine or poop.

I PLAY BASEBALL!!! - he shouts this, daily and loves to wear Emily's old glove and toss a wiffle ball back and forth. He's so athletic, we are amazed at his many talents!

I know I'm forgetting so much; however, these really illustrate his recent language explosion, stringing several words together to form coherent sentences proclaiming exactly what he wants and thinks. It's amazing when they approach three years old and really begin to communicate!


  1. This gives me something to look forward to! My almost 2 year old is starting to say more & more, but we are so going to be in trouble once she really starts going! ha!

    I love love love the name Nolan!


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