
Showing posts from May, 2014

Backyard #familyfun when both #kids love ride-on toys! #wordlesswednesday #parenting

5/24 thru 5/30 #mealplanning over #MemorialDay and when guests arrive! Staying in budget and eating well for less than $200 #cooking #SAHM #motherhood

Anyone love "to do" lists as much as I do? 13 things on today's list. #thursdaythirteen #random #SAHM #motherhood

Does this pop-up toy scare anyone else?!? #wordlesswednesday #toddlers #kids

5/17 thru 5/23 #mealplanning When you only want to spend $100, what do you cook?!? #cooking #motherhood #kids

It's been a rare, very hot last three days here so we've been having dinner on the beach! #motherhood #kids #sfheatwave

Silly faces are the most FUN! #wordlesswednesday #kids #parenting #toddlers

Nolan: 2yrs 11.5mos and he wants to do it "all by yourself"!!! #tuesdaytoddlertales #toddlers #kids #motherhood

5/10 thru 5/16 #mealplanning when it's HOT and you don't feel like #cooking #motherhood #kids #glutenfree

2014 - Happy Mother's Day: The Zoo and Ribs #mothersday #kids

My 2yr LOVES to be just like his 7yr sister - including wearing her clothes! #wordlesswednesday #toddlers #kids

5/3 thru 5/9 #mealplanning for a #glutenfree healthy home that's ultra busy with after-school activities! #cooking #kids #motherhood

From two to ten - a haircut really ages them! #kids #toddlers #motherhood