
Showing posts from March, 2008

MNO (Mom's Night Out)

Moving to YouTube for videos *sigh*

Febreze Noticables

Thursday Thirteen

The "Mom-tell Overture"

Tuesday Toddler Tales

Goals 2008

Bah-Easter! :(

CreditSecure from American Express

The Babysitter's Journal

Playdate at Habitot

It's trash day again... more bad news!

Thursday Thirteen

Job offer... out of the blue!

Tuesday Toddler Tales

My new favorite "mom gear"

It's trash day and our cans are NOT on the curb...

Thursday Thirteen

My new "not a diaper bag"

Tuesday Toddler Tales

Easter is just around the corner!

Just a few more weeks until the Easter Bunny visits!

Shopping... alone for summer clothes!

Big Brother 8 *spoilers*

Costco is THE place for books!

Thursday Thirteen

Emily's "big girl" chair

Article: 7 Deadly Sins That Lead to Debt

I'm the proud owner of a Crockpot... finally!

Tuesday Toddler Tales

Jon and Kate +8

New favorite PJs!!!

Cirque du Soleil's KOOZA